This afternoon the right wing site Daily Caller, which was founded by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, went full anti-Semitic with a video mocking New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush, who is Jewish. Watch below as the Daily Caller loops Thrush’s pronunciation of “chutzpah” over and over as Hava Nagila plays in the background. Blue check Twitter is aghast.
UPDATE: The Daily Caller deleted the video within minutes, but somebody was quick enough to make a copy.
In this 24-second video, the @DailyCaller mocks @GlennThrush for being Jewish and that’s it. That’s the whole thing.
— Kriston Capps (@kristoncapps) September 28, 2017
hey @DailyCaller what the hell is this and which anti-semite are you firing?
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) September 28, 2017
This Daily Caller ad has NYT’s Glenn Thrush repeat “Chutzpah” on loop while Hava Nagila plays. It ends by saying the Daily Caller takes you “behind the scenes”.
It’s not subtle. It’s openly antisemitic.
— Arieh Kovler (@ariehkovler) September 28, 2017
My mouth is still agape. This is blatantly anti-Semitic.
— Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) September 28, 2017
Am I seeing this correctly and the Daily Caller made a vid of Thrush saying “chutzpah” w hava nagila playing?
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 28, 2017
What @betsyscribeindc wants, Betsy Rothstein gets
— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 28, 2017