The Guardian reports:
Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday asked the head of the country’s Commission on Human Rights (CHR) if he was a paedophile for focusing on the killing of teenagers in the government’s bloody war on drugs.
Duterte also suggested to lawmakers using CHR’s proposed 678 million pesos budget to buy the police body cameras if they do not want to restore funding for the agency, which he has clashed with repeatedly over his anti-drugs campaign.
“Why is this guy so … suffocated with the issue of young people, especially boys? Are you a paedophile?” Duterte asked, referring to CHR head Chito Gascon. “Why are you smitten with teenagers? Are you? I’m having my doubts. Are you gay or a paedophile?,” he said.
RELATED: Last month Duterte order police to shoot any “idiots” who resist arrest. In May 2017, Duterte imposed martial law and “joked” that soldiers are now allowed to rape up to three women. Duterte has bragged of “personally” murdering suspected criminals and has compared himself favorably to Adolf Hitler, saying that he would happily execute millions of drug users. Trump has praised Duterte’s “unbelievable job” in giving police and vigilante squads free rein to murder suspected drug users and dealers and invited him to visit the White House. An estimated 6000 Filipinos have been slain in the streets on Duterte’s orders.