Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:
Starting last Thursday, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a nightly series of videos on Periscope in which he commanded Hurricane Irma to change its projected path away from Florida, ordering the storm to dissipate and turn out into the Atlantic Ocean.
That obviously did not happen, but that didn’t stop Wallnau from streaming a new video last night in which he declared that the prayers that he and his followers offered up had moved the storm and that its final path was due to “an amazing intervention of God.”
“I’m happy for what we were able to see happen with the hurricane in Florida,” he said. “I’m telling you, this hurricane went where the Everglades is instead of where Miami is. It’s like, boom, prayer moved it.”
As you’ll see in the clip, Wallnau also takes credit for Irma’s eventual downgrade to a tropical storm. Which happens every time but don’t tell that to White Jesus!
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Wallnau releases the “Jezebel spirit” on Robert Mueller. Wallnau prays to protect Trump from witches, jinxes, and demons that jump into dogs. Wallnau prays for God to “unleash his holy sword” and smite Trump enemies. Wallnau claims angels literally dusted his face with gold flakes as a reward for loving Trump. Wallnau prays away obstruction of justice charges against Trump in the name of Jesus. Wallnau claims a gay bar owner was “cured of homosexuality” after eating a slice of anointed cake.