Via Breitbart:
Kid Rock delivered a defiant political speech from behind a podium during his concert Tuesday night in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in which he blasted “deadbeat dads” and “f*cking bigots” and the KKK, telling them to “stay the f*ck away.”
“And if you want to take a knee, or sit during our Star-Spangled Banner,” he continued. “Call me a racist ’cause I’m not PC, and think you have to remind me that black lives matter? Nazis, f*cking bigots, and now again the KKK? Screw all you assholes, stay the f*ck away!”
“Now let’s get down to brass tacks, before I hit you with this funk,” he continued. “Like it or not, Hillary Clinton lost, and your president is Donald mother*cking Trump. But if Kid Rock for Senate has got folks in disarray, wait ’til they hear Kid Rock for President of the U.S.A.!”
Last week Michigan outlets reported that Rock is breaking campaign finance laws by selling election-branded merchandise without formally filing his candidacy. Rock respond by saying, “Tell the press to go fuck themselves.” He currently has a double-digit polling lead over likely GOP candidates for the US Senate.