Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:
On his program today, End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker interviewed “White House correspondent” William Koenig about the new edition of his book, “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel,” which asserts that all the major natural disasters and catastrophes that have struck America in recent decades have been God’s punishment on this nation for “attempting to divide His land.”
Koenig and Bakker asserted today that Hurricane Harvey was God’s judgment on America for President Trump sending his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner to the Middle East in an effort to start peace talks.
“Every major hurricane that we’ve had since October of 1991 has had a relationship to what we were doing with the state of Israel,” Koenig said. “When you have hurricanes, you look to see what the White House is doing with the state of Israel and if it’s a significant event, you start doing your homework.”