Media Matters reports:
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars website recently posted a video that showed a young girl telling Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer — who has pushed toxic conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook mass shooting and “Pizzagate” — that he is a “fucking idiot” before giving the camera the finger.
The clip went viral and Shroyer responded on an Infowars show last night, calling her a “vitriolic, petulant child” and claiming that she didn’t “defeat” him in “any debate.” On his show today, Alex Jones came to his employee’s defense, saying the girl sounded like “John Belushi on PCP” and “acts basically like some thug woman.”
As you’ll see in the final clip below, Shroyer claims he said “young ma’am” to the girl. Which, of course, he did not.
Kids telling Infowars they’re fucking idiots is my favorite kind of content
— Wild Geerters (@classiclib3ral) September 7, 2017
Owen Shroyer wants everyone to know that “vitriolic, petulant child” who called Infowars f-ing idiots “didn’t defeat me in any debate”
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) September 8, 2017