Reno’s CBS affiliate reports:
Thousands gathered to protest in the streets Charlottesville, Virginia Saturday, among them was 20 year-old Reno resident Peter Cvjetanovic. Photos of Cvjetanovic protesting circulated on social media, denouncing Cvjetanovic as a racist.
“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”
However Cvjetanovic, a self-proclaimed white nationalist, defends his beliefs. “As a white nationalist, I care for all people. We all deserve a future for our children and for our culture. White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have.”
Attn trolls: It’s not “doxxing” to identify people who appeared in public at a rally and have given media interviews about their beliefs.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) August 13, 2017
Peter Cvjetanovic says, “I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo”
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) August 13, 2017
Shouldn’t have used the, “angry racist” filter I guess, so misleading.
— )))David Cross((( (@davidcrosss) August 13, 2017