From the far-right Senate Conservatives Fund:
President Trump is not the one who is responsible for creating the expectations that Republicans have failed to meet. It was Mitch McConnell who promised action on many issues if only the voters would give Republicans unified control. It was Mitch McConnell who spent seven years promising to repeal Obamacare “root and branch.”
And it was Mitch McConnell who outlined a plan back in January that promised Obamacare repeal by early April, border wall funding by the end of April, and tax reform by August. Yet it’s now the second week of August, none of these things have been done, and Mitch McConnell is making excuses and blaming others while the Senate is on a month-long recess.
The problem isn’t that the president hasn’t been in his job very long; it’s that McConnell has been in his job for too long! Please send a blast email to the other 51 Senate Republicans urging them to replace Mitch McConnell.
After McConnell sought to blame others for his failures, Sean Hannity said, “No Senator, YOU are a WEAK, SPINELESS leader who does not keep his word and you need to Retire!”
Also, President Trump responded on Twitter saying, “Senator Mitch McConnell said I had “excessive expectations,” but I don’t think so. After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?”
Now is the time to replace Mitch McConnell. Not next year. Not in 2020. Right now. Otherwise, Republicans will squander this historic opportunity to enact conservative reforms.
The Senate Conservatives Fund was founded in 2008 by then-Sen. Jim DeMint, who went on to head the Heritage Foundation until they shitcanned him for being too extreme earlier this year.