Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins:
The cloud of vitriol that grew under Barack Obama has so poisoned our dialogue that it may have once again driven a man to target innocent people — this time public servants whose only crime was gearing up for one of the few moments of comradery and bipartisanship left in the city.
Late this afternoon, the media confirmed that in addition to his anti-Trump rants, this gunman had liked the Southern Poverty Law Center’s page on Facebook, the same organization tied to domestic terrorism in federal court for inspiring the shooting at FRC. This is where the path of intolerance can lead. And in a country spewing inflamed rhetoric from Broadway to the Beltway, it’s time for reasonable people to step in and say, “enough.”
We continue to pray for Steve and the entire Scalise family, the brave law enforcers, and young Hill staffer injured on the scene. Most importantly, we lift up our nation, which desperately needs God’s healing touch if we have any hope of rediscovering the mutual respect that makes America great. May the Lord help us to be reflective as a people about what’s at stake and seek His hand as we navigate these difficult waters.