The Associated Press reports:
President Donald Trump’s lawyers say a review of his last 10 years of tax returns do not reflect “any income of any type from Russian sources,” with some exceptions. The lawyers did not release copies of Trump’s tax returns so The Associated Press cannot independently verify their conclusions.
The letter says there is no equity investment by Russians in entities controlled by Trump or debt owed by Trump to Russian lenders. It does reflect income from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant held in Moscow and a property sold to a Russian billionaire in 2008 for $95 million.
Exceptions????? That's the story. Plus, the issue is not necessarily income, but investments, loans, etc.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) May 12, 2017
Reminds of Paul O'Neill line that history of nuclear power safety is great with the exception of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) May 12, 2017
"I am a totally innocent," with few exceptions
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) May 12, 2017
Bill Clinton was completely faithful to Hillary Clinton, with few exceptions
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 12, 2017
So you’ve just admitted you have income from Russian sources.
— Anthony De Rosa ? (@Anthony) May 12, 2017
Fox News is reporting this news correctly, with few exceptions.
— Jason Sparks (@sparksjls) May 12, 2017
BREAKING: Dahmer Lawyer: Freezer shows "no human body parts from any people," with few exceptions.
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) May 12, 2017
"with few exceptions." In other words, there's no Russian income…except for that Russian income.
— Angelo Carusone (@GoAngelo) May 12, 2017
In college, I used to love guys who were "straight, with few exceptions."
— Brandon Ambrosino (@BrandonAmbro) May 12, 2017
Bill O'Reilly never harassed any women, with few exceptions.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) May 12, 2017
Donald Trump’s businesses have never gone bankrupt, with a few exceptions.
— Matt O'Brien (@ObsoleteDogma) May 12, 2017
Steven Seagal
EXCEPTIONSAvailable streaming August 2017
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 12, 2017
It's not a Muslim ban, with a few exceptions
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) May 12, 2017
@AP Breaking: Hamburgler says he never took a hamburger, with a few exceptions
— Lee Drake (@BLeeDrake) May 12, 2017