John Aravosis reports at AmericaBlog:
Conservative media is crowing that unlike President Obama, Donald Trump did not “bow” to the Saudi King. And they’re right. He curtsied. Mind you, Trump’s odd genuflect to the Saudi king comes after a campaign in which Trump regularly savaged the Saudis as sexist homophobes. Trump did this in an attempt to suggest that Hillary would be too pro-Saudi. Now Trump is curtsying to the Saudi king and signing a new arms deal.
Did Trump curtsy to the King of Saudi Arabia?
— Jennifer Hayden (@Scout_Finch) May 20, 2017
Trump once criticized Obama for bowing to foreign leaders (as is customary).
Trump CURTSIES instead.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) May 20, 2017
@sammeddis Trump does do the greatest curtsies. The best. Believe me. No one curtsies better than Trump.
— Stacey Coleman (@StaceyColemanKs) May 20, 2017
Do we still want a President who bows to the Saudis and lets OPEC rip us off? Make America strong, vote for @MittRomney.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012