Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins:
What does evolution theory have to do with the Army? A lot, if you want to be the branch’s secretary. That’s just one of the fights the Left picked over Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Army. Dr. Mark Green’s beliefs on everything from creation to sexuality became the subject of a nasty campaign to discredit the respected flight surgeon — a campaign, unfortunately, that ended Friday when Green withdrew his name from consideration.
“Due to false and misleading attacks against me, this nomination has become a distraction,” Green said. “Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain.”
LGBT activists, in particular, were upset that Green supported privacy laws like North Carolina’s and the view of marriage that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and even Barack Obama held at one point. To them, that was an unacceptable change from former Army Secretary Eric Fanning — who not only identified as gay, but openly used his power to advance that agenda in the military. (How convenient that Fanning wasn’t put under the same scrutiny when he was nominated!) Green, on the other hand, was maligned, misquoted, and mistreated by liberals desperate to keep a pro-family, pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-marriage leader from a position of military authority.
Let’s face it: eight years of social experimentation won’t self-correct. President Trump needs someone at the helm with the courage to undo the devastation of the Obama years. If not Mark Green, then someone like Lt. Colonel Allen West or former Congressman Randy Forbes, both respected conservatives who have proven they have the military’s best interest at heart. After two terms of political correctness, our soldiers deserve an Army Secretary who will do whatever it takes to boost morale, defend freedom, and restore readiness. Anything less not only puts the military at risk, but America too.
West, you may recall, was allowed to retire from the US Army in 2003 rather than face court martial for staging a “simulated execution” of an Iraqi prisoner. He then ran successfully for the US House in 2010, earning widespread ridicule in 2012 for declaring that “78 to 81” Democratic House reps are members the Communist Party. West was defeated in his second House bid in what was the most expensive US House race at the time. He then went to work for the right wing PJ Media, where he was reportedly fired in 2013, allegedly after calling a female staff member a “Jewish American princess.” In December 2016 his Facebook page featured a call to “exterminate Muslims.” A spokesman for West later apologized, claiming West did not write the post.