And you know what you’ll totally need now that the apocalypse is upon us? Food buckets! Brian Tashman reports at Right Wing Watch:
Last week on “Revelation in the News,” televangelist Jim Bakker repeated his claims that criticism of Donald Trump is inciting violence and bringing about the Apocalypse and End Times, and asserted that conservative media pundits are being targeted for persecution. Bakker pointed to attacks on Trump as proof that “the Apocalypse has already began” and “the spirit of Antichrist” is growing in America. “They hate Trump,” he said. “What is this? This is not a normal spirit. This is not a normal hate. This is that spirit of the First Horse of the Apocalypse, which is riding now. It’s the spirit of hatred that’s taking over America and life and death is in the power of the tongue.”
As you’ll learn in the clip below, the cancellation of Tim Allen’s unfunny and poorly rated sitcom is just the latest example of the persecution of Christians sweeping the nation. And therefore, God is about to murder the fuck out of everybody. So…goodbye.