Via Mediaite:
Hours after the stunning news hit that President Donald Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway popped up on CNN for an interview with Anderson Cooper. And, yep, it was a doozy.
Immediately, the CNN anchor wanted to know why the White House decided to act on firing Comey now, leading to Conway to point to the letters that had been sent out by the Justice Department and President Donald Trump. Cooper went on to note that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called what occurred today a “coverup,” causing Conway to push back.
“He’s wrong, it’s not a coverup,” the veteran pollster said. “In fact, the president makes very clear in his letter the fact that Mr. Comey on three occasions assured him he is not under investigation.”
Things got rather heated after Cooper noted that Trump “gratuitously” added that sentence about “three occasions.”
Watch how Anderson Cooper rolls his eyes at Kelly Anne Conway here. All-time video. ALL-TIME
— Andrew Jerell Jones (@sluggahjells) May 10, 2017