Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:
On Friday, Donald Trump–loving right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau posted a video on his Facebook page declaring that Trump will never be impeached because there is no way that God performed the miracle of getting him elected only to see him removed from office.
“People are crazy in this country,” Wallnau said. “They’re going to try to impeach Donald Trump and I even predicted that; the effort’s going to begin from day one, from the pink hats to the foil hats to the crazy Berkeley activity … This man didn’t have a miracle getting him into office only to have him removed by what’s happening right now, so the quick word for you is he’s not going to be going anywhere.”
Wallnau last appeared on JMG when he claimed that a gay bar owned had been cured of his homosexuality by eating a slice of “anointed” wedding cake.