TEXAS: Pizzagate Inventor Mike Cernovich Claims He Was Sucker-Punched At Anti-Trump Protest [VIDEO]

The Inquisitr reports:

Mike Cernovich, a prominent figure on social media among the alt-right (although he has taken to describing himself as “new right” lately), has reportedly become the latest member of the alt-right to be punched in the face at an anti-Trump demonstration. According to a report by AOL News, Cernovich was attending the anti-Trump “Tax March” rally in Austin, TX, with the intent of riling up the crowd, when he was “attacked”.

“Somebody attacked me and I had to hit them back,” said Cernovich, showing off his bloodied fist for the camera. According to witnesses, Cernovich and his crew attended the rally calling for Donald Trump to release his tax returns on the weekend before Tax Day.

Cernovich was repeatedly yelling “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at the crowd while they responded with obscenities, pushed, and shoved protest signs in his face. The stream ended abruptly when he dropped his phone; when the broadcast started back up, he said that he had been attacked.

Cernovich also gleefully retweeted the below video of a woman getting punched in the face by a self-proclaimed white supremacist.