VIRAL VIDEO: Touching Ad For Vicks Tells True Story Of Orphaned Indian Girl Adopted By Transgender Woman

Creativity reports:

Procter & Gamble brand Vicks centers an emotive new Asian campaign around a mother and her adopted daughter — but it’s not until later on in the spot we discover the whole story. Created by Publicis Singapore predominantly for the Indian market, the ad is narrated by the daughter, Gayatri, who describes how was orphaned and then adopted. She describes how her mother, Gauri, loved and cared for her, how she pushes her academically to become a doctor and how they love to spend time togther eating their favorite food and watching horror movies.

However, at the end of the spot, which is beautifully directed by Neeraj Ghaywan, as we finally see the mother, it’s revealed that Gauri is in fact transgender. Gayatri also reveals that she wants to be a lawyer, not a doctor, as she feels that her mother is denied “basic human rights.” The spot is part of a campaign centered around the tagline “Touch of Care,” aimed at reasserting the importance of family care while challenging and seeking to redefine what family is in contemporary society.

The clip has over 1M views since Wednesday.