The loving Christians at World Net Daily today marked the close of President Obama’s tenure by posting a list of why he should never have been born. Some excerpts:
Marriage in America would still be between one man and one woman as it has always been. Legalized recreational marijuana laws would not have popped up in state after state, setting up the government as a kingpin and profiteer in the legalized drug-dealing business.
Race relations would have improved instead of deteriorating into a Black Lives Matter instigated cop killing barrage leading up to the 2016 presidential election. Hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal aliens would not be on the loose all over the nation raping and pillaging innocent Americas.
Socialism in all areas of American life would not be on the rise resulting in the deterioration of America’s moral fiber and religious faith. College students would have jobs when they graduated instead of being forced to live in their parent’s basements and be burdened with enormous student loans they can’t pay off.
The space shuttles would have kept flying and delivering American astronauts into space until a new vehicle was developed – instead of depending on Putin and the Russians to deliver American astronauts to the International Space Station. Yes, the Russians.
The terrorist group ISIS would never have come into existence and spread like a cancer engulfing great swaths of the Middle East and Africa leaving a path of death and destruction worldwide – including in the United States.