Death & Taxes reports:
In the days leading up to Donald Trump’s inauguration, the president-elect’s team made a big deal about the fact that Trump would be penning his own dark, anti-globalist inauguration address. Trump doesn’t need any fancy speech writers like that guy who came before him. He’s gonna buckle down and do everything himself, even if he possibly has to kick a receptionist out of her desk at his hotel to do it.
According to The Wall Street Journal, the majority of the speech was actually penned by white nationalist Steve Bannon with assistance from Trump speechwriter Stephen Miller. This comes as a shock to literally nobody who actually listened to the speech, as most people noticed an eerie similarity between Trump’s words and Bannon’s past rhetoric. Also, this was the shortest speech since Jimmy Carter, so Bannon couldn’t even be bothered to write a long nationalist screed.
The Wall Street Journal story is behind their paywall.
Writing my inaugural address at the Winter White House, Mar-a-Lago, three weeks ago. Looking forward to Friday. #Inauguration
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 18, 2017
Ha! Trump was also "writing" his speech at the Mar-a-Lago receptionist's desk.
— Noah Antwiler (@TheSpoonyOne) January 19, 2017