CNN reports:
The President-elect’s incoming press secretary, Sean Spicer, clashed Monday with CNN host Alisyn Camerota, casting doubt on a US intelligence assessment that suggests Russia directed hacks on the Democratic National Committee in order to sway the presidential race in favor of Donald Trump.
“This report that everyone keeps talking about is not final,” Spicer said, speaking on CNN’s “New Day.” The “intelligence community is talking about wrapping it up later this week … the idea that we are jumping to conclusions before we have a final report is frankly irresponsible.”
Camerota continued to question Spicer on the level of information Trump has received so far from the intelligence community. “He has not been briefed about the heads of the intelligence community about whether or not they believe Russia is behind the hacking?” she asked. Spicer said he had not but that officials were set to brief Trump later in the week, once the report was finalized. “The idea we’re asking people and making assumptions on a report that’s not final is unbelievable,” he added.
Later in the exchange, Spicer also took a shot at Camerota, suggesting she was unable to see the good sense in Trump’s approach to the alleged hacks. “I know this frustrating for you that we’re doing it in a logical way,” Spicer said. “No, we’re going to get all the information, get briefed properly and then make a decision. We’re not going to put the cart before the horse.”
.@seanspicer: “Irresponsible” for Obama to act on intel report on alleged Russian hacking as it is not yet final
— New Day (@NewDay) January 2, 2017