Penthouse Magazine Offers $1M For Trump Piss Tape

Gizmodo reports:

Russian intelligence agencies allegedly have a video showing several prostitutes who were hired by Donald Trump to urinate on each other. And if this video really exists, then Penthouse, America’s most venerable pornography magazine, is willing to spend $1 million for it. Ridiculous nonsense? Probably. But if you really do have this tape, you could make out like a bandit. You just need to give Penthouse exclusive rights to the tape.

The Wrap’s Debbie Emery got a statement from Penthouse, explaining why the magazine wants the video so badly. Kelly Holland, the CEO of Penthouse, says that they’re not happy with simply printing rumors about Trump. Only by publishing the tape will people be convinced that this actually happened. And as a respectable pornographic institution, they want to get to the bottom of this piss take.

Penthouse’s full statement is below.