Remember last year when the governor of Nebraska called for this guy to resign after sexually explicit Skype videos starring himself were found on his government computer? The Omaha World-Herald reports:
Papillion State Sen. Bill Kintner has landed in hot water again, this time over his use of Twitter. On Sunday, the senator retweeted a photograph and comment about the Women’s March that appears to many people to make light of sexual assault. By Monday morning, his office telephone was ringing constantly and his voice mail was full with calls from people objecting to the retweet. Twitter was buzzing with critics.
Kintner had said Monday he would have no comment, and he deleted his Twitter account. He issued a statement Monday afternoon that said, “By retweeting a message, I was not implying support for putting women in fear of their personal safety. I took down the retweet as soon as I became aware that it was being misconstrued.” The original tweet was sent by talk show host Larry Elder. It had a photo of three women who appeared to be middle-aged, holding signs saying “Not this pussy” and “Not mine either.”
The signs referenced comments made by President Donald Trump about grabbing women by their genitals, an action that would constitute sexual assault. Elder said: “Ladies, I think you’re safe.” Kintner did not add any comment of his own.
RELATED: Kintner is regularly in the local news for ridiculing gays, women, minorities, and the poor. He has loudly opposed same-sex marriage, gay adoption, and transgender rights. He has also publicly declared that Christians should let gays know their business isn’t wanted by providing them with bad service. According to Kintner, the US Constitution allows that.