E.W. Jackson: Kim Burrell’s Backlash Happened Because Democrats “Hate The Guts” Of Black Christians [AUDIO]

Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:

Religious Right activist and failed Virginia lieutenant governor E.W. Jackson dedicated his “The Awakening” radio program today to railing against those who are criticizing gospel singer Kim Burrell for a sermon she delivered in which she railed against the “perverted homosexual spirit.” Jackson was aghast that a “bunch of godless atheist secularists” criticized Burrell for something that she said in church and used the controversy to deliver a warning to African American Christians that the “Demon-crat” party hates their guts.

“If you are a Christian and you happen to be black, these Democrats and liberals hate your guts, if you are a Bible-believing Christian,” he said. “Now, if you are a wishy-washy, don’t half-believe anything and aren’t willing to stand up for anything, you’ll be okay with them. Of course, now God will spew you out of His mouth, but you’ll be in with the Hollywood crowd and you’ll be in with the liberal crowd and everybody will like you because basically you’re so wishy-washy that you’re about like warm spit.

In the second clip below, Jackson attacks Ellen DeGeneres for “thinking she’s a man.”

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