Charisma News senior editor Jennifer LeClaire was one of the “prophetesses” who claims to have erected a “POTUS Shield” of prayers over Donald Trump during the inauguration. And during that event, she claims, White Jesus spoke directly to her with his latest plan for the American media. LeClaire helpfully provides a verbatim quote from Christ His Damn Self:
“There are many voices and none without signification, but I want My voice to be the loudest one people hear in the media. I want My voice echoed with clarity so it will ripple through the lies of the prince of the power of the air. I want My truth to be established in every sphere of society. As the righteous ones rise up in the media world, the people who listen and read what is being proclaimed will begin to discern fact from fiction, truth from lies.
“They will begin to understand My perspective on the matters at hand, and it will resonate in the hearts of many who are sick and tired and overwhelmed with the hopelessness and despair on the airwaves and in print. Many are looking for an alternative. Many are seeking truth. Pray that the blinders would be removed. Pray that hearts would be softened. Pray that boldness would arise even among those non-believers who have a heart for the truth. Pray and keep on praying, because I intend to have My way in the media. The wicked one has infiltrated the airwaves, but I will have the last word.”
Speaking for herself, LeClaire exults:
I sense angels are being dispatched to interrupt the prince of the power of the air’s perversion in the media. News media will begin to have encounters with angels and with Jesus that shake them into belief. The media will begin to report on what God is doing in the earth because miracles, signs and wonders that manifest will be undeniable. The shift that’s going to happen in the media as we pray and take Spirit-led action is already underway. Sexual harassment was exposed at Fox News. Fake news—which is like a false prophetic voice—has been exposed. The secular media put coverage of revival in West Virginia on its front page. Mainstream media will quote Christian media with greater frequency. We stand on the precipice of a shift that will at first be subtle but will gain momentum.
We bind you, Nancy Jennifer.
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Jennifer LeClaire reveals that Trump’s election has released Jezebel’s curse on America. Jennifer LeClaire provides seven signs that witches are attacking you. Jennifer LeClaire reveals that giving someone the silent treatment is actually a form of witchcraft. Jennifer LeClaire complains that atheists on Twitter are stirring up witches against her. Jennifer LeClaire reports that Satan celebrates every time a gay person appears on television.