Bernie Sanders Trolls Trump With His Own Tweet: Just Admit You Were Lying Or Leave Medicare Alone [VIDEO]

SUH-NAP. Via Gizmodo:

The Senate is currently debating the repeal of Obamacare. And since Senators love their visual aids, it makes sense that Bernie Sanders brought one along with him to work today. But Bernie’s sign marks the dawn of a new era in a lot of ways. He literally just printed out a tweet from President-elect Donald Trump.

To help demonstrate his point that Donald Trump promised not to cut Medicare and Medicaid benefits, Bernie decided that perhaps his point could best be made with Trump’s own words. Or own characters, as it were.

Bernie said that if Trump plans to cut Medicare or Medicaid that he should just admit now that he was lying. “Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word,” Sanders said on the Senate floor, referring to Trump’s promises during the election campaign.