Trump University Fraud Trial To Proceed

Via Politico:

Donald Trump’s legal troubles in New York aren’t going away any time soon, even as he secured enough electoral college votes to become president elect of the United States Tuesday.

According to a spokeswoman with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office, there’s no post-election change of plans for the case against Trump and his now-shuttered university. “The Trump University litigation continues to move through the appellate process,” Amy Spitalnick, the AG spokeswoman, said in a statement.

The case in New York is running in parallel to a federal case in California, the continued litigation of both meaning that for the first time in the modern era, a president will likely take the oath of office facing ongoing prosecution.

An email sent to Trump spokespeople seeking comment was not returned. Responses from both sides are due in December with oral arguments to be taken up after.