The Hill reports:
Sen. Ted Cruz voted for Donald Trump this week, capping off a roller coaster relationship with his former primary foe. The Texas Republican told a local Houston TV station that he “cast a ballot” for his party’s presidential nominee and other GOP candidates up for election.
“I voted straight-ticket Republican,” Cruz said Monday. “I encourage conservatives to come out all across Houston, all across the state of Texas.” Cruz sparked fury among his party when he refused to endorse Trump at the convention in Cleveland, following a tough primary fight that included Trump insulting Cruz’s father and wife. The eventual nominee took to calling Cruz, who finished second the delegate count, “Lyin’ Ted” after his victory in the Iowa caucuses.
All of the 2016 GOP White House hopefuls had pledged to support the standard-bearer, but three — Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Lindsay Graham (S.C.) — still refuse to do so. Cruz, who has not ruled out a presidential bid in 2020, has been crisscrossing Texas over the past month stumping for the state party. He added on Monday that conservatives need to turn out.