Via Raw Story:
Rachel Maddow was so troubled by President-Elect Donald Trump’s offer to lieutenant General Michael Flynn she scrapped the script to level with her audience. “At this point in the show, I had something else we were going to cover, by scrapped it, because there’s a thing I feel like I need to say about the Mike Flynn security announcement,” Maddow confessed.
For this position, Maddow explained that all a president must do is ask someone and they accept. There is no confirmation hearing or check and balance from the U.S. Senate like other major appointments.
“So, this Mike Flynn thing is done,” Maddow explained. “But the choice of Mike Flynn is a different kettle of fish than anything we might have expected from the Trump campaign. Mike Flynn calls Islam a political ideology hiding behind a religion. He calls Islam a malignant cancer. He really did sit next to President Putin and take money to go to a gala. He’s been a frequent guest on Russian state television, and says he sees no difference between Russian state television, and for example, MSNBC.”
Maddow also mentioned that Flynn’s intelligence firm was on the payroll of Turkey while he was working on the Trump campaign and getting classified briefings from the United States. Many have found this to be problematic because Flynn gave classified information to people that didn’t have clearance on at least two occasions.