Videos below. The Local reports:
Sunday marked the 41st anniversary of the death of General Francisco Franco and far right supporters nostalgic for the dictatorship took to the streets. The demo was organised by far-right groups including Fuerza Nueva, The Spanish Catholic Movement and the Falange.
Protestors brandishing placards with slogans such as “Make Spain Great Again” – a reference to Donald Trump’s campaign cry – and the old Spanish flag of the dictatorship with its crest and imposing eagle.
During the demonstration a group of men set upon a homeless protestor who held up a sign daubed with the words “Franco asesino”. Lagarder Danciu, who describes himself as a gay, homeless, Romanian protestor, was beaten to the ground where he was kicked repeatedly and hit around the head until police intervened. The incident was caught on camera and later posted as video on the Lagarder Activista twitter account.
Masses organized by the Francisco Franco Foundation were held in at least a dozen churches across Spain to honour the dictator who ruled Spain with an iron visit for 36 years after the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.
#MuyFuerte Mirad como los nazis pegan a un activista sin techo de Madrid por decir que Franco es un asesino y la policía los defiende. #20N
— Lagarder Activista (@lagarder81) November 20, 2016
VÍDEO | El ‘Cara al Sol’ cierra la misa en honor a Franco en Madrid— (@eldiarioes) November 19, 2016
En Francia se homenajea a los republicanos españoles, y en España se homenajea a Franco en la Iglesia. Manda huevos.
— nonio cancer (@noniocancer) November 21, 2016