Go big = destroy everything Obama-related. USA Today reports:
Paul Ryan was unanimously chosen for another term as House speaker by his Republican colleagues on Tuesday as he called for his party to unite behind President-elect Donald Trump. The 46-year-old Wisconsin Republican, who was often at odds with Trump during the long presidential campaign, has pledged to work closely with the president-elect to advance Trump’s agenda.
“Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government,” Ryan declared at a news conference a few hours before the closed-door leadership elections. “It feels really good to say that, actually. This will be a government focused on turning President-elect Trump’s victory into real progress for the American people. Our team is very excited, and we cannot wait to get to work.”
Ryan faces an election by the full House in January, when the new Congress convenes and will vote for Speaker. He must win a majority of House members — 218 votes — to keep his job, and Republicans will control at least 239 seats.