Televangelists Rod Parsley, Kenneth Copeland, and others have joined Morris Cerullo’s call to activate a global army of 100,000 “intercessors” to pray that White Jesus puts the right president into office. Via Charisma News:
Dr. Morris Cerullo, who is celebrating his 70th year in ministry, will hold an event on Facebook and his ministry’s website on Nov. 7, the day before the presidential election, to lead people around the world in prayer for the U.S.
Cerullo, who recently released a book about his life, “The Legend of Morris Cerullo: How God Used an Orphan to Change the World,” continues to go about God’s business at the age of 85. “Prophets don’t retire,” he said.
Cerullo will broadcast the event live on Morris Cerullo World Evangelism’s Facebook account and website at 7 p.m. local time from Jerusalem—the birthplace of Christianity. The event will air live at noon ET and also will be rebroadcast on Facebook and at at 9 p.m. ET.
“I feel called to build an army of 100,000 prayer warriors—a God-ordained Global Prayer Strike Force,” said Cerullo, who will be in Israel as part of a previously scheduled trip. “It’s time for the world to focus on America and pray for the land that we love.”
Cerullo will pray for: Divine intervention in our politics, and for peace and righteousness to prevail, God to raise up the right president, enlightenment for the electorate, especially evangelicals, and God’s people to pray and vote for the right candidate, as well as the rest of the American electorate to make the right choice.