PHOENIX: City Threatens To Sue Trump For Illegally Using Their Cops In Campaign Commercial [VIDEO]

NBC News reports:

Phoenix officials, infuriated over an ad for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign that includes city cops, fired off a letter Thursday demanding that the ad be taken down immediately.

The ad, titled “Movement,” portrays Trump meeting with a variety of people — including, for about one second, uniformed police officers at what appears to be an airport, with the word “Together” superimposed.

Phoenix City Attorney Brad Holm said in the letter that those cops are Phoenix police officers, who “were unaware that they were photographed and videotaped, and they did not consent to the use of their on-duty images in any Trump (or other) campaign advertisement.”

Besides being a violation of federal and state laws governing copyright and intellectual property, Holm contended, the ad “unmistakably and wrongfully suggests that Phoenix and the officers support or endorse Mr. Trump’s campaign.”

“That is not the case,” he wrote. “Neither Phoenix nor the Police Department support or endorse any candidate for President of the United States or any other political office.”