New York Daily News Denounces Anti-LGBT GOP Platform: A List Of Priorities Straight Out Of The 1950s

From the New York Daily News:

Here’s another way of walling yourself off from mainstream America. In a list of priorities straight out of the 1950s, the GOP formalized Donald Trump’s insane plan to build a Mexican border wall as part of its official party platform — while also doing away with LGBT rights and favoring Bibles in public schools.

Republican delegates gathering in Cleveland ahead of the party’s nominating convention approved a draft of language for the formal GOP platform that proposes a wall that would cover “the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.”

The platform — a nonbinding document which still must be approved by delegates at the convention next week in Cleveland — also includes unusual, if not outright outdated, proposals apparently designed to appeal to the party’s socially conservative wing.

Among them is an amendment warning that pornography is a “public health crisis” — although guns are not, despite a string of mass shootings in recent years. It also includes measures that support the teaching of the Bible in public schools, lets states limit which bathrooms transgender people can use and pushes the use of coal as a “clean energy source.”
