Bryan Fischer Has The Peter Thiel Sadz: Our Deviant Homosexual Enemies Are Now Within The Gates

Last night homocon billionaire Peter Thiel, who has declared that democracy and capitalism are incompatible, dismissed the GOP’s most anti-LGBT platform in history as unimportant. Which it totally IS if you are a white male homocon billionaire. As repulsive as Thiel’s politics are, the upside of his appearance last night is that the haters are absolutely livid. Case in point, Bryan Fischer:

Last night was a dark and perhaps fatal night for the once noble Republican Party. For prior to last night, the rivers flowing from the mountain tops of the GOP flowed majestically in the direction of natural marriage, normative sexuality, and the natural family.

The Republican Party was founded not only to fight against slavery but to fight against the corruption of the institution of marriage. It was founded to fight for marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Last night it utterly and perhaps permanently abandoned that cause.

After last night, the rivers are now flowing with the irresistible pull of gravity in the direction of non-normative sexuality and the embrace of behavior which deviates alarmingly from God’s design for humanity. From this day forward, the party is dedicated to the embrace of “shameless acts” which are “contrary to nature” (Romans 1:26-27).

All in all, it was a very sobering evening for those of us who deeply care about the moral fiber of this land, and grieve its departure from its Judeo-Christian moorings. The GOP and its leadership crossed the Rubicon last night and committed itself irretrievably to the advance of the homosexual agenda. We must resist this advance with all the energy within us, but the outcome became much less certain last night. The enemy is no longer at the gates, he is inside the gates. May God help us all.