As we all just learned, Bill Kristol’s mystery independent presidential candidate has turned out to be David French, a virtually unknown former lawyer for the viciously anti-LGBT Alliance Defending Freedom. Former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro is kind of thrilled. He writes:
If there’s going to be a third party candidate, nobody would make me happier than David French. French, for those who don’t know him – and very few people outside the conservative movement do – is an excellent thinker, a writer for National Review, a Harvard Law graduate and constitutional attorney, and an Iraq War veteran.
Nobody trusts Hillary. Nobody trusts Trump. They shouldn’t. They’re both pathological liars. French is honest – and that’s why the media are already combing his columns for pull quotes with which to humiliate him. French, as a complete outsider, has no need to pull punches. Trumpsters keep saying they like Trump’s honesty, even as he switches positions more often than a Vegas hooker. French is actually honest. That honesty will be refreshing.
French is past president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) and was senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice and the Alliance Defending Freedom. He’s a Harvard Law graduate with a history of Constitutional litigation. This is better than Hillary Clinton, who thinks the Constitution mandates the corporations be stripped of their speech writes and that women be given the unlimited capacity to kill their children in the womb. This is also better than Donald Trump, who thinks that libel laws should be changed, that the Supreme Court ought to be staffed with prosecutors will target Hillary Clinton, and who sees the Constitution as an impediment to presidential power.
It’s important to note that French has not yet confirmed that that he’s actually going to run.