MEXICO: President Denounces Homophobia, Calls For Immediate Marriage Equality Nationwide

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto today unleashed a flurry of tweets that recognize today’s International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia and call for immediate marriage equality nationwide. Same-sex marriage is recognized in all 31 Mexican states, but currently only eight states have enacted laws that allow gay couples to marry locally without going to court. From the Associated Press:

Speaking at an event on the International Day Against Homophobia, Pena Nieto said he signed initiatives that would seek to add same-sex marriage provisions to Mexico’s constitution and the national civil code.

Pena Nieto said he would seek to reform Article 4 of the constitution to clearly reflect the Supreme Court opinion “to recognize as a human right that people can enter into marriage without any kind of discrimination.”

“That is, for marriages to be carried out without discrimination on the basis of ethnicity or nationality, of disabilities, of social or health conditions, of religion, of gender or sexual preference,” he added.

Visit Rex Wockner’s site for an excellent recap of the current status of same-sex marriage across Mexico. Wikipedia maintains a map that will be familiar to Americans.