Dead Crack-Smoking Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Tweets Trump Support From Beyond The Grave

From the Toronto Sun:

Donald Trump has ripped a phrase right out of ex-mayor Rob Ford’s playbook and the Ford family is cheering him on. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee dropped one of Ford’s signature lines during a rally in West Virginia on Thursday.

Trump – who knocked out the last two remaining contenders for the nomination this week – came out swinging in his speech at the ‘Never Trump’ movement that had tried to slam the brakes on his campaign.

“You know why it’s Never Trump?” he said. “Because I’m going to stop the gravy train for all of these consultants.” Ford – who died in March – swept into the mayor’s chair in 2010 with the slogan that he was going to “stop the gravy train” at Toronto City Hall.

He kept using the phrase throughout his tumultuous time in office and rolled it out again during his re-election run. Ford’s family maintains his Twitter account as a memorial and acknowledged Trump’s gravy train mention on Friday.

“Happy that Rob’s phrase of ‘Stop the Gravy Train’ is playing a part on who is going to be the next president of the USA,” Ford’s account tweeted. “It’s a real tribute & honour to Rob. Go Trump Go!”