Fortune is just one of many outlets saying WTF:
Donald Trump released his latest attack ad on Instagram, and the material gives just a taste of what the presidential campaign could look like if the billionaire faces off against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the general election. And it isn’t pretty.
The short video is a mash-up of clips featuring a laughing Russian President Vladimir Putin, ISIS pointing a gun, and a Hillary Clinton barking like a dog—a moment taken out of context from a February stump speech. It’s overlaid with text that starts out “When it comes to facing our toughest opponents…” and goes into snapshots of Putin body slamming an opponent in a white karate uniform and an image of an Arabic-speaking terrorist pointing a gun at the screen.
That all leads into the implication that Clinton is a “punchline” to the U.S.’ most dangerous opponents as it cuts to a multi-second clip of her barking like a dog, a move that was initially meant to shame Republicans in one of her campaign speeches.