Felon filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza will debut this trailer at CPAC on Saturday. According to Hillary’s America, Democrats have always been and continue to be the real racists of the political world. From World Net Daily:
D’Souza explained he is following a pattern that has proved successful for two previous documentaries, each accompanied by a No. 1 New York Times bestselling book.
He said the new feature film combines themes from the book “Stealing America” with a new book he is writing with the same title as the film that also will be released the week of July 25.
“The movie begins with ‘Stealing America,’ with my trial and confinement, and then it moves into ‘Hillary’s America,’” he said. “In the rest of the movie, I am out of confinement; I’m going in search of the story to uncover the secret history the Democratic Party wants to hide from voters.”
The trailer contains dramatic scenes exposing the role of the Democratic Party in supporting slavery prior to the start of the Civil War, lynching during Reconstruction and racial segregation through much of the 20th century.
D’Souza pointed out that the recent controversy whipped up by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s endorsement of Donald Trump, shows the determination the modern Democratic Party has to pin a charge of racism on the modern GOP.
“The Democrats try to bury their past,” D’Souza said. “But when forced to admit their true roots, the Democrats pretend as if the modern Democratic Party switched and became the good guys, while the modern GOP became the bad guys. My new movie explodes this switcheroo myth.”
The above was written by racist birther Jerome Corsi.