Tony Perkins is ever so pissed, as he always is, because US Ambassador Samantha Power took some of her colleagues to see the Tony-winning lesbian-themed Broadway musical, Fun Home. He writes:
The State Department already has an official LGBT envoy — it doesn’t need two! Tell that to Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., who is determined to join the administration’s goodwill tour for homosexuality. Like Secretary John Kerry, who seems oblivious to any problem not preceded by the letters L-G-B-T, Power is adding to the president’s embarrassing diplomatic legacy by trying to export Obama’s sexual extremism to a world preoccupied by far more important issues.
On Tuesday, Power, who has the ear of some of the international community’s most important leaders, decided to spend her influence persuading them on the need to celebrate homosexuality. This week, she hosted 15 U.N. Ambassadors at a gay Broadway musical called “Fun Home.” Representatives from Russia, Namibia, and other more culturally conservative countries sat through New York’s latest sexual propaganda, followed by a personal thank you from Power herself. “Thank you,” she told the cast, “for bringing all of this home in a way that resolutions and statements never can.”
It was a stunning display of political tone-deafness, considering the real crises happening right now on the real world stage. Unfortunately, as far as this president is concerned, the most urgent message America can send to the international community right now is “that protecting the rights of LGBT people will remain a key foreign policy priority of the United States.” And its only priority, seemingly. While the world is experiencing the largest forced migration since WWII, the White House can’t bring itself to say much about the persecution endured by men and women of faith.
Where is this same boldness when it comes to the real suffering of Middle East Christians? Apparently, Power and others think world leaders need to be educated on the sexual proclivities of a few rather than the genocide of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. When you juxtapose what’s happening at the State Department with what’s happening in the rest of the world, it’s easy to see why the president isn’t taken seriously — at home or abroad.