Sarah Palin says that she’s thrilled to be blacklisted by the Conservative Review. From the word salad on her Facebook page:
Yippee! We’re blacklisted! Patriots who’ve had enough of Washington DC hypocrisy and t’aint gonna take it anymore are now officially “blacklisted” and “targeted” (*note: you are not allowed to use those politically incorrect words, you racist gun clingers; only the chosen ones are allowed).
The so-called “conservative” Professional Political Class has united against me and others for supporting our party’s frontrunner and refusing to join their #NeverTrump campaign that will ultimately elect Hillary Clinton. The self-appointed kingmakers don’t even hide the fact their efforts to destroy our winning candidate, while disrespecting the will of the people, ultimately bolsters the liberal left and fuels the insider’s shared gravy train that they all suck from. Many have actually promised to stop at nothing to thwart the electorate’s choice for a successful commonsense conservative who’s in perfect position to bust up the Washington cabal and return our government back to We the People.
Want to join me on their blacklist? Sign here! Want a bumpersticker proclaiming it loud and proud? Make one, then send me one for my truck, eh?In setting aside “real life” this morning, I took a minute to google news of the day and saw this blacklist. It immediately reminded me why millions of Americans across party lines are coalescing to reject Washington DC’s politics-as-usual.
The political establishment collecting names to brand us blacklisted are exactly this – as spoken by William F. Buckley: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” Obviously the same is true with our own party’s elitist political bullies who claim to be the only keepers of the conservative flame ignited by Buckley, Goldwater and Reagan.
This Primary election has sifted out the self-appointed movers and shakers in the GOP who are up to no good, thanks to Donald Trump’s campaign exposing unprincipled politicos’ true agenda. For as much as these politicians, pundits, consultants, and “conservative” media types rant, rave and pontificate, there’s no denying they really don’t care who wins elections as long as they keep their perks, titles, ratings, and invites to their pal’s preachin’-to-the-choir venues.
More Americans now find out these folks are really good at using and abusing their audiences and supporters. I know personally that when it benefited their elections, their fundraisers, their poll numbers, careers and connections, they sure agreed with my conservative politics. For nearly a decade they’ve requested my endorsement, my social media shout-outs, my pro bono consulting and advice, and as much in-person support as my time allowed me to give them. They were either lying then, or they’re lying now about my judgment creds. I’ve never asked any of them for anything in return (they can all testify to that) except their integrity to shine. You’d think that at least in my respecting their right to endorse whichever Presidential candidate they choose, they’d reciprocate and simply respect my right to endorse a commonsense conservative Republican who just happens to not be top of their list.