Back in October the New York Times reported that Vatican observers were predicting that Pope Francis would take the “first respectable opportunity” to shitcan the guy who embarrassed him with Kim Davis. That opportunity has arrived. Via the Washington Post:
The Vatican will appoint Archbishop Christophe Pierre to be the new ambassador to the United States, replacing an ambassador whose tenure has sparked controversy, reports say. The current Vatican ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has reached the statutory retirement age. Viganò was in the spotlight in September, when he hosted an unexpected meeting at his D.C. residence between Pope Francis and Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, inflaming a nationwide debate over her decision. In the whirl of questions over why Francis had met Davis on his trip to the United States and who had planned the encounter, the Vatican said that Davis was “invited by the Nuncio” and referred questions about why Davis was on the guest list to Viganò’s office.
More than six months later and we’re STILL waiting for the Liberty Counsel to produce those promised photos of Davis having that “private audience” with the pope. (Tipped by JMG reader Eric)