“Whether or not Gov. Deal realizes it, religious liberties are being stripped away from people of all faiths every day. A religious liberties bill is not intended to discriminate, but instead to protect. Discrimination goes both ways. But choosing not to protect the faithful and their beliefs—a freedom that the U.S. Constitution affords us—discriminates against those who live their lives based on the tenants of the Bible or other guiding principles.
“Gov. Deal has made a choice. He chose finances over freedom, pressure over protection, and intimidation over integrity. To him, it was more important perhaps to host a Super Bowl down the road than to give the faithful, who voted for him and trusted him, the freedom to live by their sincerely held religious beliefs. Tolerance is a two-way street, Gov. Deal, and freedom shouldn’t be for sale.” – Richard Land, president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary.
RELATED: In 2012 Land stepped down as head of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission after plagiarizing a Washington Times column which accused the Obama administration of “ginning up racial tension” over the murder of Trayvon Martin.