The Conservative Review, which is run by popular right wing radio commentator Mark Levin, has called for a blacklist of major Donald Trump supporters. On the blacklist are Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin, Pam Bondi, Rick Scott, Scott Brown, Jan Brewer, and many other well-known Republicans. From their article:
It’s time to make a list. A list of those so-called conservatives and Republicans endorsing Donald Trump, the megalomaniac who regularly threatens his opponents and the press, raves about making members of our military adopt ISIS-like tactics, has funded Obamacare and Gang of Eight Democrats, promises to forcibly relocate American companies to his liking, and has demonstrated again and again he intends to govern as a tyrannical King rather than a President.
Call it a boycott, call it a blackball, call it a blacklist, call it whatever you want. I’m done with these folks and other conservatives should be, too. Anyone who will defend a man condoning random acts of violence at his rallies has lost his morals; he will defend anything at all. So, I’d like to remember who supported Trump so I never give any kind of credence to their judgment. “Never Trump” means never those who support him as well.
The above-linked piece makes no mention of how this blacklist would be employed, other than saying those on the list should be held “accountable” in future elections. Below is a screencap of some of the list’s targets.