Via press release:
Today, Connecticut Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano released the following statement on President Obama’s homage to Che Guevara while visiting Communist Cuba: “Che Guevara’s history is not one to be embraced, but shunned. He was responsible for mass murder, oppression, homophobia, chauvinism and absolute suppression of political dissent. Guevara helped Fidel Castro bring totalitarianism within 100 miles of American shores.
“President Obama has no business legitimizing the Castro regime with American diplomacy, or drooling over Che Guevara, one of history’s worst evildoers. Yet apparently President Obama has found more common ground with Guevara than his own loyal opposition back home. Maybe he should spend more time studying history and less time trying to make history, shopping for a legacy in his 8th straight year of foreign policy blunders.
“For President Obama and Democrat leaders, here is a shocking sample of Che Guevara’s Greatest Hits. Che Guevara on Free Press: ‘We must eliminate all newspapers; we cannot make a revolution with free press.’ Che Guevara on Due Process: ‘We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation.’
“President Obama and Democrats should worry less about denouncing the mere words of Republicans, and more about blasting the actions of leftist demagogues. Where is the repudiation of these radical tyrants by Senator Blumenthal and the rest of the Connecticut delegation? Chairman Nick Balletto, Senator Blumenthal and fellow Democrats must immediately denounce any association with the words or actions of Che Guevara and the Castro brothers.”
Right Wing Watch notes that the shirt being held by President Obama actually bears a math equation.