In an interview with NBC’s New England Cable News, yesterday Donald Trump vaguely promised “forward motion” on LGBT issues should he be elected. Bay Windows reports:
Just days before the crucial New Hampshire primary, Trump cast himself as a uniter on LGBT issues. O’Connell, who is also Bay Windows’ publisher, identified herself as a lesbian in a question that noted the progress the LGBT community has made in the last two decades and asked Trump if voters can expect him to continue that momentum if elected.
“When President Trump is in office can we look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians?” O’Connell asked him. “Well, you can,” Trump answered. ” And look, again, we’re going to bring people together, and that’s your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together and if we don’t we’re not going to have a country anymore.”
Several days ago Trump made a similarly vague vow to enable the repeal of Obergefell via Supreme Court appointments. As evidenced above, Trump’s positions often vary depending on who he’s talking to.