From their story:
Clueless New Hampshire voters handed billionaire bore Donald Trump a “yuge” victory in the first-in-the nation primary Tuesday, providing the mad mogul with a new round of ammo a week after a disappointing second-place finish in Iowa.
More than three in 10 Granite State voters flocked to the foul-mouthed contender, throwing their support to him at levels beyond what the polls had predicted — a day after he referred to a Republican challenger Ted Cruz as a “pussy.” With more than 89% of the state’s precincts reporting, the bloviating businessman had the support of 35% of voters.
At a victory rally, Trump thanked the state’s “special” brainless voters who jumpstarted his momentum in the race. “I have so many friends up here. They are special, special people. We love you,” he said. “You started it, remember, you started it,” he added, before jumping into his regular stump remarks.