Death & Taxes recaps last night’s bungled opening to the GOP debate:
Saturday night’s GOP debate got off to an inauspicious start when Ben Carson apparently did not hear the moderators call his name, signaling his turn to walk out on stage, the result of which was absolute chaos.
The disastrous effects of Carson’s misstep were amplified by the fact that he was the second candidate called to stage, screwing up the procession for the next five candidates. Despite several candidates who were behind him walking out and a stage hand waving him to get the hell up there, Carson stood strong, firm in his belief that the wing was his new home.
Most candidates, upon hearing their own name called, just blew right past Carson. Ted Cruz actually had the best response, which was just pointing at Carson with a face that said “what the fuck is wrong with this guy?” Or maybe that’s just what his face always looks like.
Trump actually tried, unsuccessfully of course, to nudge Carson onto the stage several times. The doctor would not be moved though. This allowed Rubio and Jeb! to awkwardly brush by the two of them.
At their Facebook page the Washington Post has a great captioned version of the video below.
(Tipped by JMG reader Chuck)