Glenn Beck Is Fasting For Ted Cruz To Win Nevada

Yesterday Glenn Beck invited his followers to join him in not eating tomorrow so that God will see they are totally serious about wanting Ted Cruz to win Tuesday’s Nevada GOP caucus. After much mocking on his Facebook page, this morning Beck posted a response:

Reading posts today proves the point that the Church is dead asleep. Since when has a fast and prayer been crazy?

It was standard practice to beseech the powers of heaven for not just your country but personal guidance and revelation at one time.Have we really become a nation that mocks those who pray and fast? The sad answer is yes.

I am not telling you who to vote for. I am asking people to pray and humble themselves before the Lord. If you wish to do that for your candidate please do so. God will not answer you or me. With prayer and fasting, approached with humility and a broken heart, we may fall closer into alignment with His will.

I, as a citizen, believe that we are closer to losing our nation and Liberty than we were on September 11th. What did we do that week? We prayed and fasted. We promised ourselves and our children that we would stay awake and do all we could to preserve our country and constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

We fasted and prayed as directed by our president in the revolutionary war, civil war, ww1, Ww2, the Cold War, and every great event in our country. If we do not approach this vote as a sacred responsibility no matter who you vote for, you don’t know what time it really is. I know it doesn’t make me popular or cool to ask the nation to pray but I have never been popular or cool.