NBC News reports:
With Jeb Bush out of the race, Donald Trump was in need of a new straw man. On Sunday, the day after a big, “beautiful” win in South Carolina’s primary, Trump found at least a temporary way to fill the Bush void when the lights suddenly went out during his speech.
“Oh, I like that much better,” Trump said as the 5,000-plus-person crowd cheered and laughed. “Those lights were brutal. Are they coming from the dishonest press?” When they came back on, he bellowed: “Don’t turn the lights on!” It wasn’t just a matter of preference, but a lesson in business savvy.
“Plus we save on electricity, right? And because the lights don’t work, I won’t pay the rent — so better lighting and we don’t pay the rent. Right? right?” He went on: “NO, GET THOSE LIGHTS OFF. OFF! Turn them off. They’re too bright. TURN THEM OFF! Turn them off. Let’s go, ready?”